Sunday, February 8, 2009

Damn Cars

Today is just one of those days. The kind you wish you had just slept through. You know the ones. Start bad... keep going bad and end bad. This one didn't start so bad. How can a day be bad when you are starting it with your grandson. My one bright spot.

Anyhow, to make this all very, very short... the transmission hose blew. Lost all the fluid I put in yesterday and it won't move in any direction of course. Sooooooo tomorrow I get to stay home and phone around for repairs.

I have an online job interview as well tomorrow. Now, to my unfortunate knowledge, most jobs that offer $18.00 bucks per hour to work from home and that want to interview through your yahoo messanger, are perhaps not quite on the up and up. But, we will see. This was a Craigslist job and there seems to be a lot of crappy postings on there lately.

So... damn car.

My quote for the day is a favourite from Buckaroo Bonzai: "No matter where you go, there you are." Ain't it the truth.

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